The process of deburring, as the name suggests, involves removing burrs, trimming off the excess material from products made by moulding, mechanics or cutting.
This results in maximum quality and parts that are ready for use.
Depending on the customer's requirements, Ense is at the customer's disposal and guarantees a state-of-the-art deburring process with professionalism and quality. The deburring machines have different characteristics depending on the material to be treated and the type of surface they have to make perfect.
Ense specialises in "contact" deburring, using machines equipped with abrasive belts or brushes to remove excess material. Designed to be horizontal, vertical or circular, they can remove burrs from flat, cylindrical, but also square and oval surfaces.
The operation of such machines requires the utmost care and experience gained in the field. Finishing is a complicated task and must take into account both the working time required and the safety of the workers.
Ense has long been aware of these obstacles and thanks to its trained and qualified technical staff, provides basic support in determining the most suitable and functional deburring system for each customer's needs. Our workers are at ease with their tools and can carry out their work in simple, fast steps. This is one of our strengths at Ense, which operates throughout Northern Italy.
Any questions? We are here to help you. Send us a message and we will reply.